- 1、世博会英国馆拆了吗
- 2、上海世博会中英国馆的各个方面都怎么样?英国馆体现了一个什么主题?大神们帮帮忙
- 3、上海世博会英国馆的介绍
- 4、世博会英国馆介绍
- 5、[急]上海世博会 英国馆 英语介绍(有中文翻译)
- 6、上海世博会英国馆建筑与环境如何协调
- 7、上海世博会场馆的英国馆
- 8、世博会的主要场馆简介
- 9、世博会期间英国展馆的主题是什么
- 10、上海世博会英国馆资料 (英语)
世博会英国馆堪称标志性建筑,彰显出英国在创意和创新方面的杰出成就,以独特的视觉效果展示英国在物种保护方面居于全球领导地位,以及英国在开发面向未来的可持续发展城市方面发挥的重要作用。英国馆的设计是一个没有屋顶的开放式公园,展区核心“种子圣殿”外部生长有六万余根向各个方向伸展的触须。白天,触须会像光纤那样传导光线来提供内部照明,营造出现代感和震撼力兼具的空间;展区中有“绿色城市”、 “开放城市”、 “种子圣殿”、 “活力城市”和“开放公园”等景点 展馆名称 种子圣殿 参展国家 英国 参展主题 传承经典,铸就未来 国家馆日 9月8日 展馆类型 自建馆 展馆位置 C片区 展馆面积 6000平米 造型亮点 会发光的盒子 展馆外观 英国馆最大的亮点是由6万根蕴含植物种子的透明亚克力杆组成的巨型“种子圣殿”——这些触须状的“种子”顶端都带有一个细小的彩色光源,可以组合成多种图案和颜色。所有的触须将会随风轻微摇动,使展馆表面形成各种可变幻的光泽和色彩。“种子圣殿”周围的设计也寓义深远,它就像一张打开的包装纸,将包裹在其中的“种子圣殿”送给中国,作为一份象征两国友谊的礼物。 馆内容 在英国馆,参观者将通过“绿色城市”、“户外城市”、“种子圣殿”和“活力 城市”的展示进入“开放公园”。 “绿色城市”中,参观者可以“鸟瞰”英国的四大首府——贝尔法斯特、卡迪夫、伦敦和爱丁堡。当城市建筑和街道被抹掉后,这些地图中剩下的是这四大城市中大片的绿色区域和茂盛苍翠的城市景观。 在“户外城市”,参观者头顶上是一个“倒垂”着的缩小版的典型英国城市,还将感受到“光雨”散落在身上的效果。 “种子圣殿”是英国馆创意理念的核心部分,日光将透过亚克力杆,照亮“种子圣殿”的内部,并将数万颗种子呈现在参观者面前。 植物的活力将在“活力城市”迸发出来,这里将展示种类丰富的植物,通过8个真实的植物生命故事和8个在未来可能实现的植物故事,展现植物与自然如何铸就城市生活的未来,介绍在英国的世界级顶尖科学家们的最新科研工作。 “开放公园”是对城市律动的鲜活展示,在这块足球场大小的开放空间里,参观者将有可能看到以独特方式呈现的莎士比亚剧目演出,和足球运动员来个互动,欣赏前卫时尚的现代艺术表演,甚至是在板球运动中试一下身手。 ]展馆亮点 伦敦奥运会雏形首现上海 上海世博会的参观者可以通过设在英国国家馆内的“奥运角”,首次目睹伦敦奥运会的雏形,并在“奥运角”内与多位英国著名体育明星进行交流。伦敦奥运会规划了大面积的绿色区域,奥运会结束之后,这个面积达2.5平方公里的奥运公园将被命名为奥运遗产公园,供市民休憩、娱乐和运动。而将于上海世博会期间亮相英国馆的“奥运角”,则将展示去掉钢筋水泥建筑、只保留绿色植物的奥运公园的地图。 6万粒种子的震撼 进入“种子圣殿”之后,参观者进会发现6万根亚克力杆的每一根里都 含有不同种类、形态各异的种子。它们可能是一颗松果、一粒咖啡豆,也可能是你叫不上名字的种子……这些种子来自英国皇家植物园和中国科学院昆明植物研究所合作的千年种子银行项目。昆明植物研究所精心挑选了890多种植物的种子,这些植物种类繁多,有观赏植物、药用植物、粮食作物、水果蔬菜、油料作物等,植物大部分来自中国,包括中国特有的珍稀植物,如珙桐、银杏等。
英国馆的设计是一个没有屋顶的开放式公园,展区核心“种子圣殿”外部生长有六万余根向各个方向伸展的触须。白天,触须会像光纤那样传导光线来提供内部照明,营造出现代感和震撼力兼具的空间;夜间,触须内置的光源可照亮整个建筑,使其光彩夺目。展区中的“绿色城市”、 “开放城市”、 “种子圣殿”、 “活力城市”和“开放公园”等几段参观旅程引导人们关注自然所扮演的角色,并思索如何利用自然来迎接城市面临的挑战。
[急]上海世博会 英国馆 英语介绍(有中文翻译)
Pavilion Features
Urbanian Pavilion, focusing on the needs and development of people, tells the stories of people in cities. In its five sections, "Family," "Work," "Contact," "Learning" and "Health," visitors will see the videos of six real families from six cities of five continents. Together with the exhibits, settings and multimedia installations, the sight of 11 cities are racily showed. Visitors will have a vivid view of city dwellers' life and it is the pursuiting of a better life that draws people to urban areas.
展馆位于B片区主题馆内,以人的需求与发展为主线,讲述城市中“人的故事”。通过对世界五大洲六个城市中六个不同家庭的跟踪拍摄,将他们的故事嵌入“家庭”、“工作”、 “交往”、“学习”和“健康”五个展区,运用实物、布景与多媒体特效相结合的手法,营造出11个不同城市的景观,让观者可以身临其境地了解城市人的不同需求,体验“人们留在城市,是为了更好地生活”。
City Being
Pavilion Features
The pavilion is situated in the Theme Pavilion building in Zone B. The theme of life, or the city's journey of life, runs through all its exhibitions. In a metaphorical way with high scientific technologies, a city is compared to a living being consisting of body and soul. Metabolism and circulation are important for it to function properly. Constant adjustment between man and a city is the key for the health of the city being.
Urban Planet
Pavilion Features
The pavilion is located in the Theme Pavilion building in Zone B. The top of two parallel spiral ramps offers a good view of a 32-meter-diameter globe. Its five sections including "Blue Planet" and "The Only Planet We Have" tell how the development, sometimes overdevelopment, of cities produces ecological problems, and how people awaken to urbanization and environmental challenges. Visitors come to understand cities as a source of both problems and solutions.
展馆位于B片区主题馆内,展示空间主要是两条对称的螺旋状坡道,参观者可以在其顶端俯瞰直径达 32米的巨型球冠。展馆内设置“城市蔓延”、“危机之道”、“蓝色星球”、“解决之道”、“我们只有一个地球”五个展区,分别讲述城市的发展与过度发展造成的生态问题,展现了人类对城市及环境问题的认知、觉醒与努力。参观者通过与展品的情感互动,可认识到城市既是问题的制造者,也是问题的解决者。
Pavilion Features
The Pavilion is located in Zone D and includes three exhibition halls - "City's Origin" "Growing City" and "Urban Wisdom" It traces the birth and growth of cities, their philosophies and the urban wisdom centering innovation and harmony.
Pavilion Features
The Pavilion is located in Zone E. The exhibition starts with an interaction with visitors, inviting them to imagine what cities will be like in the future. Through movies, books and sculptures, it tells how a city was envisaged, planned and realized in history, proposes the various possibilities of a future city, and points to the spiritual elements that have always driven human progress.
2.展示内容:透过透明的触须,人们将看到一个世界上最大的“种子集合体”。 英国馆六万多根触须都通向一个种子库,种子库是整个英国馆的最核心展区,库里起码有6万颗活的植物种子。人们通过触须看到巨大的种子库,就像是一颗跳动的心脏。
1. Architectural Appearance: looks simple and creative, which is portrayed in the British Pavilion exhibition hall. Creativity biggest highlight of the museum building outside a lot of tentacles extending in all directions. The tentacles are the top color with a small light source, can be combined into a variety of patterns and colors. All the tentacles will wind shake slightly, so that all may be changing pavilion surface luster and color. Meanwhile, the exhibition also Keyi surface, and images by information be displayed on British Pavilion Neibu the Qing Kuang, embassy outside the exhibition hall visitors could see the internal activities.
Therefore, the British Museum Expo launched six months, is no longer a exhibition hall can not be changed, staff will be ready to collect ideas and opinions of visitors, adjust the display of the content and activities of the pavilion, and a different look presented to the visitors in front. Guess what day will form the British Museum, it will be a fun and unique landscape.
2. Exhibits: tentacles through the transparent, people will see one of the world's largest "seed collection." British Museum more than 60,000 root tentacles have led to a seed bank, seed bank is the core of the British Museum exhibition, library at least 60 000 live seeds. People by tentacles to see a huge seed bank, like a beating heart
2.展示内容:透过透明的触须,人们将看到一个世界上最大的“种子集合体”。 英国馆六万多根触须都通向一个种子库,种子库是整个英国馆的最核心展区,库里起码有6万颗活的植物种子。人们通过触须看到巨大的种子库,就像是一颗跳动的心脏。
1. Architectural Appearance: looks simple and creative, which is portrayed in the British Pavilion exhibition hall. Creativity biggest highlight of the museum building outside a lot of tentacles extending in all directions. The tentacles are the top color with a small light source, can be combined into a variety of patterns and colors. All the tentacles will wind shake slightly, so that all may be changing pavilion surface luster and color. Meanwhile, the exhibition also Keyi surface, and images by information be displayed on British Pavilion Neibu the Qing Kuang, embassy outside the exhibition hall visitors could see the internal activities.
Therefore, the British Museum Expo launched six months, is no longer a exhibition hall can not be changed, staff will be ready to collect ideas and opinions of visitors, adjust the display of the content and activities of the pavilion, and a different look presented to the visitors in front. Guess what day will form the British Museum, it will be a fun and unique landscape.
2. Exhibits: tentacles through the transparent, people will see one of the world's largest "seed collection." British Museum more than 60,000 root tentacles have led to a seed bank, seed bank is the core of the British Museum exhibition, library at least 60 000 live seeds. People by tentacles to see a huge seed bank, like a beating heart
1. Architectural Appearance: looks simple and creative, which is portrayed in the British Pavilion exhibition hall. Creativity biggest highlight of the museum building outside a lot of tentacles extending in all directions. The tentacles are the top color with a small light source, can be combined into a variety of patterns and colors. All the tentacles will wind shake slightly, so that all may be changing pavilion surface luster and color. Meanwhile, the exhibition also Keyi surface, and images by information be displayed on British Pavilion Neibu the Qing Kuang, embassy outside the exhibition hall visitors could see the internal activities.
Therefore, the British Museum Expo launched six months, is no longer a exhibition hall can not be changed, staff will be ready to collect ideas and opinions of visitors, adjust the display of the content and activities of the pavilion, and a different look presented to the visitors in front. Guess what day will form the British Museum, it will be a fun and unique landscape.
2. Exhibits: tentacles through the transparent, people will see one of the world's largest "seed collection." British Museum more than 60,000 root tentacles have led to a seed bank, seed bank is the core of the British Museum exhibition, library at least 60 000 live seeds. People by tentacles to see a huge seed bank, like a beating heart
2.展示内容:透过透明的触须,人们将看到一个世界上最大的“种子集合体”。 英国馆六万多根触须都通向一个种子库,种子库是整个英国馆的最核心展区,库里起码有6万颗活的植物种子。人们通过触须看到巨大的种子库,就像是一颗跳动的心脏。
1. Architectural Appearance: looks simple and creative, which is portrayed in the British Pavilion exhibition hall. Creativity biggest highlight of the museum building outside a lot of tentacles extending in all directions. The tentacles are the top color with a small light source, can be combined into a variety of patterns and colors. All the tentacles will wind shake slightly, so that all may be changing pavilion surface luster and color. Meanwhile, the exhibition also Keyi surface, and images by information be displayed on British Pavilion Neibu the Qing Kuang, embassy outside the exhibition hall visitors could see the internal activities.
Therefore, the British Museum Expo launched six months, is no longer a exhibition hall can not be changed, staff will be ready to collect ideas and opinions of visitors, adjust the display of the content and activities of the pavilion, and a different look presented to the visitors in front. Guess what day will form the British Museum, it will be a fun and unique landscape.
2. Exhibits: tentacles through the transparent, people will see one of the world's largest "seed collection." British Museum more than 60,000 root tentacles have led to a seed bank, seed bank is the core of the British Museum exhibition, library at least 60 000 live seeds. People by tentacles to see a huge seed bank, like a beating heart
英国馆设计方案于2007年9月21日确定为Heatherwick Studio设计的“创意之馆”。
Design of the British Museum on September 21, 2007 to determine the design for the Heatherwick Studio "Creative Archive."
British Museum area of 6,000 square meters, the design is very unique, 60,000 glass materials "tentacles" are dispersed throughout the wall surface, which more than 60,000 articles to the wind and the waving tentacles, is the most eye-catching creative, all the tentacles are leading to a seed bank, seed bank is the core of the British Museum exhibition. Seed Curry at least 60 000 live seeds. Embodies the spirit of British creativity and innovation.
白天,触须会像光纤那样传导光线来提供内部照明,营造出现代感和震撼力兼具的空间;展区中有“绿色城市”、 “开放城市”、 “种子圣殿”、 “活力城市”和“开放公园”等景点。
展馆主题:创意之馆造型亮点:会发光的盒子上海世博会英国国家馆最终确定设计方案为“创意之馆”(a Pavilion of Ideas)。计划2009夏天之前将开工建设。创意展馆是一个独特的展示装置。它安置在一个乡村田间,上面是森林遮盖,两侧是草地形成的斜坡,观众席,展览区,商店以及接待区均坐落其中。
上海世博会英国国家馆最终确定设计方案为“创意之馆”(a Pavilion of Ideas)。计划2009夏天之前将开工建设。创意展馆是一个独特的展示装置。它安置在一个乡村田间,上面是森林遮盖,两侧是草地形成的斜坡,观众席,展览区,商店以及接待区均坐落其中。
世博主题场馆介绍(2009-03-13 05:54:39)标签:2010 世博会 杂谈
1. 时间:2010年5月1日至10月31日
2. 地点:上海市中心黄浦江两岸,南浦大桥和卢浦大桥之间的滨江地区
3. 主题:城市,让生活更美好
4. 副主题:
5. 目标:吸引200个国家和国际组织参展,7000万人次的参观者
1. 英国馆:2007年9月21日,中国2010年上海世博会英国馆设计方案正式揭晓。
创意之馆(a Pavilion of Ideas)设计展现了一个简洁而又引人入胜的建筑模式,其最大的亮点是建筑外部大量向各个方向伸展的触须。这些触须顶端都带有一个细小的彩色光源,可以组合成多种图案和颜色。所有的触须将会随风轻微摇动,使展馆表面形成各种可变幻的光泽和色彩。同时,展馆表面还可以通过信息和图像的形式展示英国展馆内部的情况,使馆外的参观者也能看到展馆内部的各项活动。
2. 意大利国家馆:2008年4月30日,中国2010年上海世博会意大利馆设计方案正式揭晓。
3. 丹麦馆:2008年9月9日,中国2010年上海世博会丹麦馆设计方案正式揭晓。
新颖美丽的丹麦馆将由两个环形轨道构成,形成室内和室外部分,并由一个连贯性的平台连接,它将呈现包括一个盐水池、上百辆自行车、或许还有小美人鱼在内的丰富多彩的展示内容。“幸福生活,童话乐园” 的展览主题是指生活方式,消费和增长与可持续发展和社会思考紧密联系的状态,它将为世界各国的民众提供体验丹麦城市生活的机会。
据悉,获胜的设计师团队是来自丹麦BIG (Bjarke Ingels Group)公司的年轻建筑师,以及概念策划公司2+1。他们一起创作了丹麦馆的方案并确定了“幸福生活,童话乐园”的展览主题。设计团队所要表现的幸福生活并不仅限于财富,而是生活人性化以及与环境和谐共存的生活体验。
4. 挪威馆:
挪威将在世博浦东园区C片区建设占地3000平方米的自建馆。挪威此次以“挪威·大自然的赋予”为主题参展上海世博会,展馆将由15棵巨大的“树”构成,模型树的原材料来自木头和竹子,并可在展后再利用,充分体现了 “可持续发展”的理念。
5. 世界气象馆
1. 时间:2010年5月1日至10月31日
2. 地点:上海市中心黄浦江两岸,南浦大桥和卢浦大桥之间的滨江地区
3. 主题:城市,让生活更美好
4. 副主题:
5. 目标:吸引200个国家和国际组织参展,7000万人次的参观者
1. 英国馆:2007年9月21日,中国2010年上海世博会英国馆设计方案正式揭晓。
创意之馆(a Pavilion of Ideas)设计展现了一个简洁而又引人入胜的建筑模式,其最大的亮点是建筑外部大量向各个方向伸展的触须。这些触须顶端都带有一个细小的彩色光源,可以组合成多种图案和颜色。所有的触须将会随风轻微摇动,使展馆表面形成各种可变幻的光泽和色彩。同时,展馆表面还可以通过信息和图像的形式展示英国展馆内部的情况,使馆外的参观者也能看到展馆内部的各项活动。
2. 意大利国家馆:2008年4月30日,中国2010年上海世博会意大利馆设计方案正式揭晓。
3. 丹麦馆:2008年9月9日,中国2010年上海世博会丹麦馆设计方案正式揭晓。
新颖美丽的丹麦馆将由两个环形轨道构成,形成室内和室外部分,并由一个连贯性的平台连接,它将呈现包括一个盐水池、上百辆自行车、或许还有小美人鱼在内的丰富多彩的展示内容。“幸福生活,童话乐园” 的展览主题是指生活方式,消费和增长与可持续发展和社会思考紧密联系的状态,它将为世界各国的民众提供体验丹麦城市生活的机会。
据悉,获胜的设计师团队是来自丹麦BIG (Bjarke Ingels Group)公司的年轻建筑师,以及概念策划公司2+1。他们一起创作了丹麦馆的方案并确定了“幸福生活,童话乐园”的展览主题。设计团队所要表现的幸福生活并不仅限于财富,而是生活人性化以及与环境和谐共存的生活体验。
4. 挪威馆:
挪威将在世博浦东园区C片区建设占地3000平方米的自建馆。挪威此次以“挪威·大自然的赋予”为主题参展上海世博会,展馆将由15棵巨大的“树”构成,模型树的原材料来自木头和竹子,并可在展后再利用,充分体现了 “可持续发展”的理念。
5. 世界气象馆
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上海世博会英国馆资料 (英语)
wo mei you
British Pavilion - Shanghai Expo Building : Information
Shanghai Expo
Around 191 countries and some 48 international organisations will participate in the World Expo in Shanghai, which will run from 1 May - 31 October 2010. An important event two years on from the Olympics in Beijing in 2008, it is estimated that over 70 million people will visit the Expo over the 6 months that it is open. The Expo Park will occupy 5.3 square kilometres of land on the Pu Dong area of the city, on the south side of the Huangpu River and it will be the largest World Expo that has ever been staged. The theme for the Expo is Better City, Better Life. It will explore the full potential of urban life in the 21st century, a significant period in urban evolution. By 2010, 55% percent of the world's population is expected to live in cities. The prospect of future urban life concerns all nations, developed or less developed and their people. The Expo will explore eco-friendly and sustainable approaches to human habitat, lifestyle and working conditions in the new century.
Expo and the UK
The first Expo, the Great Exhibition of Industries of All Nations, was held in London in 1851. Since then the World Expos have attained prominence as high profile international events for economic, scientific, technological, educational and cultural exchanges, serving as important platforms for displaying historical experience, exchanging innovative ideas, demonstrating esprit de corps and looking to the future. Modern day expos are managed by the Bureau International des Expositions organisation based in Paris. In 2007, leading British architecture and design practices were invited to propose a design for the Pavilion. The brief stated that the Pavilion had to be extraordinary - an iconic structure that offered a bold vision of the UK in the 21st Century as a creative, innovative and exciting country.
Structural and civil engineers: Adams Kara Taylor
Adams Kara Taylor is a progressive design led firm of Structural and Civil Engineering Consultants. The experience within the Practice is extensive, covering the commercial, residential, retail, leisure, educational, health and transportation sectors of the market. Our projects our based throughout the UK and other parts of the world, with contract values ranging from £100,000 to over £150 million. Adams Kara Taylor is part of the WYG Group.
Environmental and building service engineers: Atelier Ten
Atelier Ten are building services engineers and environmental design consultants
committed to the application of low-energy and sustainable design within the built environment. Founded in 1990, Atelier Ten deliver build solutions based on the cornerstones of sustainability, environmental integrity and economic viability. Significantly, Atelier Ten take a wider role in the design process than traditional Building Services Engineers and work with the design team to integrate environmental moderation and control into the fabric of the building as well
as providing efficient and well-integrated building services systems.
Mace Group provides the full range of consultancy and construction services to clients in the UK and overseas. The company's reputation and project portfolio reads like a roll call of iconic achievements; the BA London Eye, the London Bridge Shard, Terminal 5 at Heathrow, the GLA building. As one third of the CLM Delivery Partner, the consortium delivering London 2012, Mace is also working for a great sporting future for the city with regeneration projects that will improve east London for years to come.
The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew is a world famous scientific organisation, internationally respected for its outstanding living collection of plants and world-class Herbarium as well as its scientific expertise in plant diversity, conservation and sustainable development in the UK and around the world. Kew Gardens is a major international visitor attraction. Its landscaped 132 hectares and RBG Kew's country estate, Wakehurst Place, attract nearly 2 million visitors every year. Kew was made a UNESCO World Heritage Site in July 2003 and celebrates its 250th anniversary in 2009. Wakehurst Place is home to Kew's Millennium Seed Bank, the largest wild plant seed bank in the world. By 2010, RBG Kew and its partners will have collected and conserved seed from 10 per cent of the world's wild flowering plant species (c.30, 000 species). The aim is to conserve 25% by 2020 and funds are being actively sought in order to continue this vital work.
Shanghai Expo British Pavilion : Public Sector Founding Sponsors
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
The UK's security and prosperity depends on the Foreign & Commonwealth Office work with other nations - ranging from key issues such as climate change to health pandemics. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office's global network of staff, embassies and offices around the world serves all of UK Government. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office focuses on 4 policy goals: countering terrorism and weapons proliferation, and their causes; preventing and resolving conflict; promoting a low carbon, high growth, global economy and developing effective international institutions, especially the UN and EU.
UK Trade and Investment
UK Trade & Investment is the UK Government's international business development organisation, supporting businesses seeking to establish in the UK and helping UK companies grow internationally. The services offered by UK Trade & Investment bring together a network of business sector specialists and support teams across England and in British diplomatic posts in some 100 markets all around the world. UK Trade & Investment works with a wide range of partner organisations in the UK, including other Government departments, Regional Development Agencies and the Devolved Administrations, Business Links, Chambers of Commerce and trade associations.
British Council
Celebrating 75 years in 2009, the British Council is the UK's international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. It works in over 100 countries worldwide to build engagement and trust for the UK through the exchange of knowledge and ideas between people. It works in the arts, education, science, sport and governance and last year reached over 128 million people. The British Council is a non-political organisation, which operates at arm's length from government. Total income in 2007/8 was £565 million, of which the grant-in-aid from the British government was £197 million.
Department of Business, Innovation and Skills
The Department for Business Innovation and Skills will promote open and competitive markets, proportionate regulation, an enterprise and innovation culture, skilled people, thriving universities, life-long learning and world-class science, technology and research.
Department of Communities and Local Government
Communities and Local Government is responsible for policy on local government, housing, urban regeneration, planning, fire and rescue, and race equality and community cohesion issues in England. It seeks to create thriving, sustainable, vibrant communities that improve everyone's quality of life. As the lead government department on cities and urban policy it sees the Shanghai Expo as a unique opportunity to support efforts by UK cities and regions to tap into the continuing growth of China, and other emerging economies, to benefit local economies. It plans to showcase the achievements of UK cities in urban regeneration and housing renewal, and their role in building stronger business and trade links with cities in China, through a major summit, workshops and other Expo events.
Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Defra is the UK government department responsible for the environment, for food and farming and for rural affairs. It works to secure a healthy environment in which future generations can prosper. Defra supports the building of a low carbon, resource efficient economy. The department helps people to adapt to a changing climate, deals with environmental risks and makes the most of the opportunity it now has to secure a sustainable society and a healthy environment and to ensure a thriving farming sector and a sustainable, healthy and secure food supply. This will help through the difficult economic times, volatile food and energy prices and a changing climate which all makes everyone more aware that the environment cannot be taken for granted.
England's Regional Development Agencies
The Regional Development Agencies are business-led organisations set up by Government in 1999 to promote sustainable economic development in England. They work with key public and private sector regional partners to increase the economic performance of the regions and reduce social and economic disparities within and between regions. Ten years on, independent evaluation shows the RDAs have a) Had a significant impact on the English economy, b) Generated economic benefits that substantially outweigh their overall costs, c) Put back an average of £4.50 of economic output (or GVA) into the regional economies for every £1 spent, and d) Produced over £23 billion in economic benefits per year during the past five years alone and e) have had a wider impact on people, places and businesses across the country that cannot be captured by figures alone.
The 5 founding corporate sponsors of UK Shanghai Expo are AstraZeneca, Barclays, BP, Diageo and GKN.
Shanghai Expo British Pavilion : Private Sector Founding Sponsors
AstraZeneca is a major international healthcare business engaged in the research, development, manufacturing and marketing of meaningful prescription medicines and supplier for healthcare services. AstraZeneca is one of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies with healthcare sales of US$ 31.6 billion and is a leader in gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, neuroscience, respiratory, oncology and infectious disease medicines.
Barclays is a major global financial services provider engaged in retail and commercial banking, credit cards, investment banking, wealth management and investment management services with an extensive international presence in Europe, the United States, Africa and Asia. With over 300 years of history and expertise in banking, Barclays operates in over 50 countries and employs over 150,000 people. Barclays moves, lends, invests and protects money for over 47 million customers and clients worldwide.
BP is one of the world's largest oil and gas companies, serving millions of customers every day in more than 100 countries across six continents. BP's activities are Exploration and Production; Refining and Marketing; and Alternative Energy, its low-carbon and no-carbon energy business, and employs almost 100,000 people worldwide. Through these business, BP provides fuel for transportation; energy for heat and light; retail services; and petrochemicals products for textiles and packaging.
Diageo is the world's leading premium drinks business with an outstanding collection of beverage alcohol brands across spirits, wines, and beer categories. These brands include Johnnie Walker, Guinness, Smirnoff, J&B, Baileys, Cuervo, Tanqueray, Captain Morgan, Crown Royal, Beaulieu Vineyard and Sterling Vineyards wines. Diageo is a global company, trading in more than 180 countries around the world. The company is listed on both the New York Stock Exchange (DEO) and the London Stock Exchange (DGE).
GKN technology and engineering is at the heart of the vehicles and aircraft produced by the world's leading automotive, off highway and aerospace manufacturers. From its origins in the valleys of South Wales 250 years ago, GKN now employs nearly 40,000 people in over 30 countries. Operating on a truly global basis, GKN aims to provide exceptional levels of service to its customers wherever they may be.
Quotes from Sponsors
David Brennan, Chief Executive, AstraZeneca, said:
"On my frequent visits to China I am struck not only by its rapid economic development but also by the energy of the people and the country's rich cultural heritage. AstraZeneca has been in China since 1993 and this long-term commitment is reflected in our increasing investment in research and manufacturing, as well as millions of Chinese people who have benefited from our life-changing medicines. AstraZeneca is proud to be a founding sponsor of the British Pavilion at Shanghai Expo 2010. We believe the UK Pavilion will be a great platform to showcase and build understanding of science and innovation, which chimes very well with our mission as a global leading innovative pharmaceutical company."
John Varley, Chief Executive, Barclays, said:
"Barclays sponsorship underlines our long-term and growing commitment to China; Expo 2010 provides a unique opportunity to support British business interests and to foster on-going partnerships between the UK and China not just in financial services but in many other fields as our clients and customers showcase the creativity and innovation of the UK
in Shanghai."
Tony Hayward, Group Chief Executive, BP, said:
"BP celebrates its Centenary in 2009. The pioneering spirit that founded the company 100 years ago still drives BP forward. In our journey, BP has always sought new and better ways to do things, finding innovative solutions in exploration, production, refining, product development, supply and trading, and marketing - aiming to provide energy for heat, light and mobility for people around the world. Shanghai Expo 2010 serves as a great example for global partnerships - not only between countries but also between companies and teams of people in them. We hope that the UK Pavilion, which BP is sponsoring, will provide a platform to showcase the innovation, creativity and technology that exists in, and between, the UK and China, and to encourage global partnerships in order to address the sustainability challenges the world is facing today."
Paul Walsh, Chief Executive, Diageo, said:
"Diageo is committed to China for the long-term, and we are therefore delighted to be a founding sponsor of the UK Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo 2010. Diageo is dedicated to promoting bilateral exchanges between China and the UK in the economic, social and cultural fields and to fulfilling our responsibilities as a corporate citizen. The theme of the Expo - Better City, Better Life - also perfectly aligns with our own purpose, to celebrate life every day, every where."
Sir Kevin Smith CBE, Chief Executive, GKN, said:
"In September 2009, GKN celebrates its 250th anniversary making it one of the world's oldest engineering companies. During that time GKN has seen many technology innovations, industrial cycles and the emergence of new markets. One such new market was China and, twenty years ago, GKN was the first automotive supplier to invest in the country. Today, GKN employs over 3500 people in China and is committed to a strategy of long term growth and investment. It is with great pride and pleasure that GKN is sponsoring the Shanghai Expo, which we hope will provide us with a unique opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to China and the city of Shanghai".
British Pavilion Shanghai 2010 - images / information from Heatherwick Studio 2009