


admin admin 发表于2023-12-28 06:48:00 浏览6 评论0



有一个数码产品的歌 歌词里有 我是你的罗密欧 hey朱丽叶 mv里的女主角是韩国人 哪位高手知道告诉我 谢谢了

OLYMPUS(奥林巴斯)数码相机广告歌曲Hey Juliet
姓名:赵允熙 英文名字:Yun Hee Cho
姓名:李玟赫 英文名字:Min Hyuk Lee
Hey Juliet
歌手:lmnt 专辑:all sides
Hey I've been watching you
Every little thing you do
Every time I see you dance
In my homeroom class, makes my heart beat fast
I've tried to page you twice
But I see you roll your eyes
Wish I could make it real
But your lips are sealed, that ain't no big deal
'Cause I know you really want me
I hear your friends talk about me
So why you tryin'to do without me
When you got me
Where you want me
Hey Juliet
I think you're fine
You really blow my mind
Maybe someday, you and me can run away
I just want you to know
I wanna be your Romeo
Hey Juliet
Girl you got me on my knees
Beggin' please, baby please
Got my best DJ on the radiowaves saying
Hey Juliet, why do you do him this way
Too far to turn around
So I'm gonna stand my ground
Gimme just a little bit of hope
With a smile or a glance, gimme one more chance
'Cause I know you really want me
I hear your friends talk about me
So why you tryin' to do without me
When you got me
Where you want me
Hey Juliet
I think you're fine
You really blow my mind
Maybe someday, you and me can run away
I just want you to know
I wanna be your Romeo
Hey Juliet
I know you really wan't me
I hear your friends talk about me
So why you tryin' to do without me
When you got me
Where you want me
You don't have to say forever
For us to hang together
So hear me when I say
Hey Juliet
Hey Juliet
I think you're fine
You really blow my mind
Maybe someday, you and me can run away
I just wan't you to know
I wanna be your Romeo
Hey Juliet
Hey Juliet
I think you're fine
You really blow my mind
Maybe someday, you and me can run away
I just want you to know
I wanna be your Romeo


西城男孩的to be with you
Hold on little girl
Show me what he's done to you
Stand up little girl
A broken heart can't be that bad
When it's through, it's through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on baby come on over
Let me be the one to show you
I'm the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you
Build up your confidence
So you can be on top for once
wake up who cares about
Little boys that talk too much
I seen it all go down
Your game of love was all rained out
So come on baby, come on over
Let me be the one to hold you
Why be alone when we can be together baby
You can make my life worthwhile
And I can make you start to smile
to be with you
juliet - lmnt
hey, juliet
hey, juliet
hey, i've been watching you
every little thing you do
every time i see you pass
my homeroom class, makes my heart beat fast
i've tried to page you twice
but i see you roll your eyes
wish i could make it real
but your lips are sealed, that ain't no big deal
'cause i know you really want me {yeah}
i hear your friends talk about me {yeah}
so why you tryin' to do without me {yeah}
when you got me where you want me
hey, juliet
i think you're fine, you really blow my mind
maybe someday, you and me can run away
i just want you to know
i wanna be your romeo
hey, juliet
hey, juliet
hey, juliet
girl, you got me on my knees
beggin' please, baby please
got my best dj on the radio waves sayin'
juliet, why do you do him this way
too far to turn around
so i'm gonna stand my ground
give me just a little bit of hope
with a smile or a glance, give me one more chance
'cause i know you really want me {yeah}
i hear your friends talk about me {yeah}
so why you tryin' to do without me {yeah}
when you got me where you want me
hey, juliet
i think you're fine, you really blow my mind
maybe someday, you and me can run away
i just want you to know
i wanna be your romeo
hey, juliet
hey, juliet
hey, juliet
i know you really want me
i hear your friends talk about me
so why you tryin' to do without me
when you got me where you want me
you don't have to say forever
for us to hang together
so hear me when i say
hey, juliet
hey, juliet
hey, juliet
i think you're fine, you really blow my mind (blow my mind)
maybe (maybe) someday (someday), you and me can run away (run away)
i just want you to know
i wanna be your romeo
hey, juliet (hey, juliet)
i think you're fine, you really blow my mind (blow my mind)
maybe (maybe) someday (someday), you and me can run away (run away)
i just want you to know (i just want you to know)
i wanna be your romeo
hey, juliet (hey, juliet)
hey, juliet
hey, juliet (hey, juliet)
hey, juliet
hey, juliet (hey, juliet)
hey, juliet
hey, juliet

谁知道 全智贤 为(奥林巴斯)拍的那个数码照相机的英文插曲叫什么名字吗?谢谢,就好似电视上经常放的那个???

West life-to be with you(奥林巴斯最新广告主题曲)
West life-to be with you
Hold on little girl
show me what he's done to you
Stand up little girl
A broken heart can't be that bad
when it's through, it's through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on baby come on over
Let me be the one to show you
I'm the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you
Build up your confidence
So you can be on top for once
Wake up who cares about
Little boys that talk too much
I seen it all go down
Your game of love was all rained out
So come on baby, come on over
Let me be the one to hold you
Why be alone when we can be together baby
You can make my life worthwile
and I can make you start to smile
When it's through
It's through
Fate would twist the both of you
So come on baby
Come on over
Let me be the one
To show you


hey juliet
Hey, Juliet
Hey, Juliet
Hey, I’ve been watching you
Every little thing you do
Every time I see you pass
My homeroom class, makes my heart beat fast
I’ve tried to page you twice
But I see you roll your eyes
Wish I could make it real
But your lips are sealed, that ain’t no big deal
‘Cause I know you really want me {Yeah}
I hear your friends talk about me {Yeah}
So why you tryin’ to do without me {Yeah}
When you got me where you want me
Hey, Juliet
I think you’re fine, you really blow my mind
Maybe someday, you and me can run away
I just want you to know
I wanna be your Romeo
Hey, Juliet
Hey, Juliet
Hey, Juliet
Girl, you got me on my knees
Beggin’ please, baby please
Got my best DJ on the radio waves sayin’
Juliet, why do you do him this way
Too far to turn around
So I’m gonna stand my ground
Give me just a little bit of hope
With a smile or a glance, give me one more chance
‘Cause I know you really want me {Yeah}
I hear your friends talk about me {Yeah}
So why you tryin’ to do without me {Yeah}
When you got me where you want me
Hey, Juliet
I think you’re fine, you really blow my mind
Maybe someday, you and me can run away
I just want you to know
I wanna be your Romeo
Hey, Juliet
Hey, Juliet
Hey, Juliet
I know you really want me
I hear your friends talk about me
So why you tryin’ to do without me
When you got me where you want me
You don’t have to say forever
For us to hang together
So hear me when I say
Hey, Juliet
Hey, Juliet
Hey, Juliet
I think you’re fine, you really blow my mind (Blow my mind)
Maybe (Maybe) someday (Someday), you and me can run away (Run away)
I just want you to know
I wanna be your Romeo
Hey, Juliet (Hey, Juliet)
I think you’re fine, you really blow my mind (Blow my mind)
Maybe (Maybe) someday (Someday), you and me can run away (Run away)
I just want you to know (I just want you to know)
I wanna be your Romeo
Hey, Juliet (Hey, Juliet)
Hey, Juliet
Hey, Juliet (Hey, Juliet)
Hey, Juliet
Hey, Juliet (Hey, Juliet)
Hey, Juliet
Hey, Juliet
LMNT的《Hey, Juliet》
To be with you


歌曲《me in you ,you in me》中文翻译过来就是《我对于你,你对于我》,是由孙艺珍、赵仁成和曹承佑主演的韩剧《假如爱有天意》的片中曲
奥林巴斯的数码相机的广告的歌曲还有:《Hey,Juliet》和《Girl Crazy》都是由来自纽约的LMNT组合唱的

就是Hey Juliet!!!我很喜欢的!!!确定了!


1. Just do it. 跟着感觉走。(耐克运动鞋)
2. Ask for more. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)
3. Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧)
4. Feel the new space. 感受新境界。(三星电子)
5. Focus on life. 瞄准生活。(奥林巴斯相机)
6. Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦氏咖啡)
7. A Kodak moment. 就在柯达一刻。(柯达胶卷)
Share moments. Share life. (柯达胶卷)
8. Started Ahead. 成功之路,从头开始。(飘柔洗发水)
9. Make yourself heard. 理解就是沟通。(爱立信手机)
10. Intelligence everywhere. 智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机)
11. The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。(百事可乐)
12. We integrate, you communicate. 我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工)
13. The relentless pursuit of perfection. 不懈追求完美。(凌志轿车)
14. Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. 动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)
Where there is a way, there is a Toyota。有路就有丰田车.(丰田汽车)
15. Let's make things better. 让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电器)
16. Good teeth, good health. 牙齿好,身体就好。(高露洁牙膏)
17. Can't beat the real thing. 挡不住的诱惑。(可口可乐)
Things go better with Coco-Cola.(Coco-Cola)饮可口可乐,万事如意。(可口可乐)
18. Tide's in, dirt's out. 汰渍到,污垢逃。(汰渍洗衣粉)
19. Apple thinks different. 苹果电脑,不同凡“想”。(苹果电脑)
20. Not all cars are created equal. 并非所有的汽车都有相同的品质。(三菱汽车)
21. Anything is possible. 没有不可能的事。(东芝电子)
Take TOSHIBA, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)
22. Our wheels are always turning. 我们的车轮常转不停。(五十铃汽车)
23. The world smiles with Reader's Digest. 《读者文摘》给全世界带来欢笑
24. Nobody is perfect. 没有一个人的身材是十全十美的。(苗条健身器材)
25. The Globe brings you the world in a single copy。
26. Live well, snack well. 美好生活离不开香脆的饼干。(斯耐克威尔士饼干)
27. We're the dot. in. com. 我们就是网络。(太阳微系统公司)
28. No business too small, no problem too big。
29.The new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机)
30.We lead. Others copy. 我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)
31.Impossible made possible. 使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)
32. Take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)
33. Come to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country。
34.To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color。
35. The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)
36.From Sharp minds, come sharp products。来自智慧的结晶 。(夏普产品)
37.Mosquifo bye bye bye.(RADAR) 蚊子杀、杀、杀。(雷达牌驱虫剂)
38.Connecting People.(Nokia) 科技以人为本。(诺基亚)
39.Ideas for life. 为生活着想。(松下电子)
40.Time is what you make of it.(Swatch) 天长地久(斯沃奇手表)


1.to be with you(本人尤为喜欢)
2.hey juliet
3.you in me me in you(比较难找,试试吧)


ipod nano4的广告歌曲Bruises 狠好听的
1.when you know——芝华士广告歌2.everything gonna be alright——兰蔻香水广告3.it's over now——鳄鱼t恤广告歌4.a thousand miles——nba广告歌5.why can't i—— nba广告歌6.the game of love——nba广告歌7.i still believe——nba 广告主题曲8.stars are blind——07西洋广告歌9.rhythm of the rain—— 绿箭口香糖广告歌10.I Believe I Can Fly——别克汽车的广告歌11.Seasons In The Sun——科达胶卷广告歌12.I Will Come To You——大众汽车广告歌13.It’s my life——三菱帕杰罗汽车广告歌14.Hey Juliet——奥林巴斯相机广告歌15.What A Wonderful World——立邦漆广告歌16.Unwritten——潘婷广告歌17.we will rock you ——百事可乐广告歌18.let me show you the way——La coste 香水广告曲19.scar tissue ——07年雪碧的广告歌20. One Night哪个广告的不太清楚^_^21.underneath your clothes ——“nokia 手机求婚篇”广告歌22.bring me to life——三菱广告主题曲23.they——蔡依林“moto v360”广告曲"乐园"翻唱原曲24.My Girl _信用卡广告歌25.To Be With You ——奥林巴斯广告歌26.sadness——巴黎婚纱广告歌27.can''t take my eyes off you ——嘉士伯广告歌28. Scarborough Fair这个也不太清楚29.true colors ——麦当劳广告歌30.papa loves mambo——nike运动鞋广告歌31.something about you——swatch广告歌32.open up——雀巢咖啡广告主题曲33.sudden——日本宝矿力饮料广告歌34.空も飞べるはず——午后红茶广告歌35.坐在巷口的那对男女——玉兰油广告歌36.jewel song——宝矿力水特广告歌37.Staring At The Sun——F1赛车广告38.lasia——雀巢牛奶的广告歌39.Save Your Kisses For Me ——Lacoste Pink香水广告歌40.香奈儿 ——海飞丝Shoulders广告歌41.Feel Good Inc ——Ipod广告歌42.Jerk It Out —— Ipod MP3广告歌43.Walking Proud ——松下MJ59广告歌44.Carols——松下电器广告歌45.Vertigo ——Ipod MP3广告歌46.Fingers——三星锐铂广告歌47.The Look Of Love——西门子广告歌48.Anymotion——三星手机广告歌49.Lesson No.1 ——MOTO广告歌50.over the way——探路者广告歌51.yesterday ——LG闪耀手机广告歌52.new soul——苹果电脑的广告歌53.Bon Jovi—— 特步广告曲54.we are the champions——安踏广告歌55.white flag——德芙巧克力的广告歌56.built to last——三星i908e广告歌57.dragostea din tei ——迪士尼卡通电影“四眼天鸡”广告曲原唱版58.I can sing a rainbow—— 澳大利亚旅游宣传广告歌59.Quando Quando Quando——喜力广告歌曲60.ROBINSON——午后红茶广告歌61.do we rock——三星手机62.super model——达芙妮广告63.Walkie Talkie Man———最经典iPod广告歌64.OPPO手机音乐(歌名不清楚~~~)65.alphabet——凯越旅行车广告歌66. Not looking back ——Audi A4 广告歌67.Free Loop——福特汽车广告歌68.I Wanna Be ——美宝莲广告歌68.One Two Three Four——ipod广告歌69.Bruises——苹果ipod广告歌70.Shut Up and Let Me Go——ipod广告歌(好像是08年的)71.Schlaflied——哪个广告的不太清楚^_^72.Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head ——立顿奶茶的广告歌73.Thematic All Colour——Nippon立邦漆的广告歌(视频更好看咧^_^)74.Viva la Vida ——苹果iPod广告歌75.Forever Friend——岚岸半岛广告歌76.To Feel The Fire——麒麟FIRE饮料的广告歌77.movin` on without you——nissan terreno广告歌78. Drowning——康桥半岛广告歌79. Anticipating——TOYOTA汽车广告歌80.The Lion Sleeps Tonight / *NSYNC——三菱汽车心房篇电视广告歌81.Feeling Fine——麒麟啤酒电视广告曲82.Lux Champs-Elysees——Lexus汽车年度形象广告曲83.A Little Less Conversation——NIKE广告曲84.Stand By Your Man——福特汽车METROSTAR成吉思汗篇电视广告曲85.Dear Heart——易利信手机广告歌86.As Time Goes By——索尼爱利信 W850i专属主题歌87.Dream Again——马自达汽车 MAZDA3电视广告曲88.Close To You / Karen Mok ——福斯汽车GOLF广告歌89.Sugar Sugar ——08瑞士糖广告歌90.Whole World Around——福特汽车广告歌91.Bizarre Love Triangle——最新福斯Golf「传奇篇」电视广告歌92.Funky Space Reincarnation ——“DIOR”香水广告曲93.New Shoes ——2008 Puma年度广告曲94.You're Beautiful ——大众汽车广告歌95.Strange And Beautiful ——福斯汽车全球广告曲96.Yesterday—— 玄彬、金泰熙主演LG话题手机主题曲97.Longer ——TOYOTA TERCEL汽车年度指定广告歌98.I.O.I.O. ——远传电信年度广告曲99.Stand By Me——现代汽车NEW ELANTRA电视广告曲经典翻唱100.True Color ——王力宏、陈慧琳主演「麦当劳甜蜜夏冰纷」电视广告主题曲


我列举一些给你参考吧。希望您喜欢。祝您愉快。 chytmh of the rain 雨之旋律 绿箭口香糖
quando quando quando 喜力啤酒
happy together 喜力啤酒
we'll kiss you everyday 曼秀雷敦唇膏
colorfuldays 丰田威驰
everyday 三菱帕罗杰
when will i see you again 啤酒广告
me in you,you in me我对于你,你对于我 奥林巴斯
girl crazy 奥林巴斯
hey juliet 奥林巴斯
hooverphonic 奥林巴斯
mad about you 芝华士
mermaid song 芝华士
when you know 芝华士
feel good inc 苹果ipod
jerk it out 苹果ipod 1、三菱欧蓝德广告歌曲 BRING ME TO LIFE -Evanesence   2、丰田威驰广告歌曲 IMAGINATION  3、丰田花冠广告歌曲 全世界的爱  4、澳大利亚旅游宣传广告片 I can sing a rainbow - Delta Goodrem  5、阿迪达斯最新广告歌曲(芯片的鞋子广告) hello tomorrow  6、喜力广告歌曲 Quando Quando Quando-Engelbert Humperdink  7、宝矿力水特JEWEL SONG《宝石情歌》 -BOA  8、柯达广告曲英文版seasons in the sun-westlife  9、CHIVAS的广告歌曲lets stay together  10、苹果数字播放器Walkie Talkie Man - Steriogram /VERTIGO-U2/JERK IT OUT  11、松下广告曲 carols -滨崎步  12、麒麟FIRE饮料的广告歌TO FEEL THE FIRE-STEVIE WONDER  13、午后红茶广告片ROBINSON -SPITZ  14、satana3000广告歌曲 the game of love  15、大众汽车广告歌 I Will Come To You-Hanson 16、玉兰油广告歌 坐在巷口的那对男女-自然卷  17、LACOSTE鳄鱼牌服装Save Your Kisses - Natasha Thomas萨芬做的鳄鱼恤广告 It's over now  18、立邦漆的广告歌曲what a wonderful world  19、别克凯越的广告歌 i believe i can fly  20、swatch手表something about you-five for fighting
 21、(Nike广告歌曲)A Little Less Conversation  22、渣打银行150周年广告歌曲Ain't No Mountain High Enough  23、英航广告歌曲Aria  24、嘉士伯啤酒广告歌曲Can't Take My Eyes Off You/Happy Together  25、美国运通信用卡广告歌曲Just My Imagination  26、长江“泓景台”楼盘广告歌曲Proud Of You  27、绿箭香口胶广告歌曲Rhythm Of The Rain  28、黑人牙膏广告歌曲Smile A Little Smile For Me  29、Pacific Century Insurance广告歌曲Stand By Me  30、蓝妹啤酒广告歌曲Waiting For A Girl Like You  31、新鸿基“丽青”楼盘广告歌曲) What The World Needs Now Is Love  32、女性网页广告歌曲Whatever Will Be,Will Be(Que Sera, Sera)  33、IDD0060电讯广告歌曲Words  34、Motorola V70手提电话广告歌曲You Spin Me Round(Like A Record)  35、康桥半岛广告Drowning -Backstreet Boys (BSB)  36、大众POLO新广告歌you might think-the cars  37、潘婷洗发水广告歌曲 秘密  38、一起走过 (唱吧,新加坡2002主题歌)  39、交换温柔(sic-ii唇膏广告歌)  40、走在前面(2008申奥预先广告歌) 还有一首 是YOYO 打整形广告的一首歌 我觉得不错哟 ver the Rainbow What a Wonder - 几米
绿箭口香糖《Rhythm Of The Rain》
《Rhythm Of The Rain》这首歌曲的旋律所有人都不会陌生,Jason Donovan所演绎的这个版本清新无比,没什么能比清新作为口香糖的广告歌曲更加合适了,绿箭当然不会放弃这个机会。不管过了多久,这首歌曲的旋律依旧是那么美丽,经历岁月的洗刷,依旧存留着很多人的内心深处。
芝华士《Mermaid Song》
蓝妹啤酒《When a man loves a woman》
Michael Bolton用朴实无华的语言,沧桑悲怆的嗓音,把当一个男人爱上一个女人时的深切感受演绎得淋漓尽致,令听者为之动情。成熟男人的声音,让人感到那浓浓的爱意,而这些,要得意于Michael Bolton这位情歌大师的深情演绎。当然,这首歌用在这款啤酒上也最为合适!
嘉士伯啤酒《Happy Together》
百事可乐《We Will Rock You》
巨星在百事广告中的加盟让人们对于百事的好感猛增。《We Will Rock You》大家再熟悉不过了,在各种场合我们都可以听到这首歌曲,但女声演绎这首歌曲却不多见,布兰妮、碧昂丝和Pink的组合来演绎这首歌曲,让我们想到的不仅仅是摇滚,更可以听出其中的R&B曲风的影子。别克凯越《I Believe I Can Fly》
R.Kelly的《I Believe I Can Fly》是这些年来经常被人们翻唱的一首歌曲,毫无疑问这是一首极佳的励志歌曲。别克选择这首而歌曲作为凯越车型的广告歌曲的含义相信从这首歌曲的名字上我们就可以看出来。一句“I Believe I Can Fly”,为大家带来了希望,带来了属于自己的天空。
宝来汽车《You're Beautiful》
就像宝来汽车给人的舒适印象一样,James Blunt的《You're Beautiful》同样给人一种舒适的感觉。新宝来的广告曾经一段时间在中国的各大电视台狂轰般播放,不仅让人们熟悉了新宝来,更让无数中国歌迷熟悉了已经在国外大红大紫的英国歌手James Blunt,一位集聚创造力的歌手。
三菱帕杰罗汽车《It’s My Life》
这不是无病呻吟的失恋情歌,也不是深思者的静默祈祷,这是Bon Jovi的大声呼喊:千人一面不是我的生活,我要做我自己、走自己的路!温吞水言情剧一样的流行歌曲可以给你感动,让你感同身受、品尝记忆中残留的甜或苦,而Bon Jovi的音乐却可以为你疗伤,为你注入新鲜与活力。
大众汽车《I will come to you》
福特I-Max《Free Loop》
对一个车子完全没有研究的人来说,电视广告或许只是杀时间的众多广告之一,但是搭配了《Free Loop》的福特I-Max广告,却让人有一种温暖的感觉,短短50秒,展现了男人对车的梦想与女人对家庭的全心全意,搭配上丹尼尔浑厚而沙哑的沧桑嗓音,突然间,有种甜蜜感袭上心头。苹果笔记本《New soul》
苹果笔记本电脑以一种从来不屈服的姿态屹立于如今眼花缭乱的电子市场,它以其独特的一面拥有全世界无数的粉丝。当然选择Yael Naim所演唱的《New soul》作为苹果Macbook Air的广告歌曲,我们也不难看出其中的用意,“我是一个年轻的生命,希望自己可以辨清真实与虚幻”。
Ipod《Feel Good Inc》
Damon 别具风格的编曲和作词再配上 Jamie 所绘制的各位形象丰满、性格鲜明的主角,整首广告歌在明快的节奏中把听者带入一个不一样的的世界。也许你对数码产品还不熟悉,也许你只对音乐情有独钟,那么都没关系,当你看到路边那花花绿绿的创意广告时一定会想起Ipod带给我们的眼前一亮的感受。
诺基亚《Underneath Your Clothes》
使用Shakira《Underneath Your Clothes》的诺基亚广告结婚篇堪称杰作,歌曲、画面、诺基亚手机完美的结合,这则广告传达了信息网络时代人们沟通的便捷,即使相隔远方,即使思念无尽,同样可以用手机来传达爱意,夏奇拉磅礴大气的唱腔,让人有一种近乎撕心裂肺的幸福感。
三星手机《Melee Built to last》
奥林巴斯相机《Hey Juliet》
依旧是清新的朋克曲风,LMNT乐队的《Hey Juliet》作为奥林巴斯相机在2003年的广告歌曲传达的是一种简单快乐的理念。LMNT乐队是一个选秀节目胜出的乐队,《Hey Juliet》是他们所发行的第一首单曲,朗朗上口的旋律席带给你最原始最简单的快乐,不用想什么,只是听就好了。Lacoste香水《Let me show you the way》
标准的鹅蛋脸,加上直顺闪亮的金发,Natasha Thomas一出道即被全球知名的品牌Lacoste相中,为旗下新发行的香水及服饰代言。广告曲《Let me show you the way》一发行就成功挺进欧洲单曲排行榜,全曲清新自然,无不散发着淡淡的芳香,反复的“show you the way”像滑翔过水面的翅膀一般,流畅极了。
立邦漆《What A Wonderful World》
纯净的图像画面给了我们极其温馨的视觉冲击,原来家的感觉就是这样的。多年以来,立邦漆用他的广告告诉我们身边存在的危险,从某种意义上来说是立邦漆让我们的生活更加健康。爵士大师louis armstrong的《What A Wonderful World》,温暖沙哑的声音非常适合这则立邦漆的广告。
耐克《A Little Less Conversation》
《A Little Less Conversation》是为纪念猫王逝世25周年而制作的首张历史性混音作品。这则广告的画面以灰色调为主,这个用意大概在于纪念已经故去伟大的猫王,很难想象曾经的经典歌曲会在今天的游戏片头中使用,但是这则广告中不失节奏感的画面给人一种紧张的运动刺激感。
柯达胶卷《Seasons In The Sun》


hey julia 绝对是
hey julia